Universal Studios Day 9

We may have actually scarred Luke for life by making him go with us on the Transformers 4D ride. He was terrified and now hates robots but it was freakin' awesome! So we thought perhaps the Simpsons 3D ride was bound to be less scary...nope! ESCAPE FROM THE MURDEROUS SIDESHOW BOB!

Let's be safe now. Daddy can go on the Jurassic Park water rapids ride whilst mummy and Luke play in "dinoland" play park. Easy.

We queued for an hour for the Studio Tour but it was worth it. All kinds of explosions and special effects in a live underground earthquake simulation, a 3D King Kong ride which thank god Luke napped through and a tour through lots of film sets including Desperate housewives and Jaws.

The Shrek 3D cinema wasn't scary at all, thank you. We also watched a live show called "Waterworld" which was incredible! So many explosions, guns, fire, aeroplanes crashing in, boats, people leaping into the water everywhere. Great.

Dinner in Hard Rock Cafe to finish off an awesome day.
