Mount Rainier

We weren't sure how much to expect from Mount Rainier but wow! We came at a really good time! The Alpine meadows were in full bloom, and aside from a little cloud cover once we were up on the mountain, it was perfect hiking weather. We did a huge 4.5mile hike along the Skyline Trail, which was a little sketchy at times with Emi on my back (we had to shimmy along a glacier at one point). We hiked up a total of 1700feet! It took us all day, but with a lot of snacks and incentives for Luke we did it - we were all aching the next day!! Emi enjoyed the marmots, chipmunks and deer of which there were plenty. We took 100's of beautiful photos, none of which capture the full colour and beauty of the alpine meadows but here are our favourites...
