Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone, you are crazy. The most bizarre place I've been, and certainly one of the most beautiful. Again, its one of those places where the Internet does not do it justice. I thought it would be a couple of geysers, but the whole place was covered in a hundred incredible geothermic activities. Everywhere you went there was steam erupting from the ground (Luke said it smelt like poo and eggs, which it did), multicoloured bubbling springs, geysers, bubbling mud pots, huge terraces of calcium carbonate, and the most terrifying waterfall. I can't wait to show you all the colourful photos when we get back. Some parts were like alien landscapes, others big green open planes with rolling hills, flowing streams and herds of bison.
I would say this is a bucket list kind of place.
Up close we saw 2 bull elk with huge horns, a brown bear, a pronghorn dear, loads of bison, and some interesting birds. The animal I have yet to see is a moose!
I'll also note our accommodation at Old Faithful Inn whose architecture was incredible. The whole building was made from the native trees. No bricks, no metal, no tiles, nothing but huge wooden trunks slatted together with wooden pegs and bark tiles for the roof. It has been marked as a building of great importance for the history of America. The lobby was 4 stories tall with balconies all around, with a huge fireplace, and a man playing the fiddle whose noise filled the place. Our room was very basic though!! Only one double bed left when I booked so we all shared, it was comfy... not.
Today we went for a hike in Grand Teton NP overlooking Jenny Lake in the hope of finding a moose. Luke was a fantastic little rock climber, until he fell asleep - and again we had to carry him. We followed a trail past a waterfall and up into a canyon. Grand Teton park is filled with multi coloured meadow flowers. It is very pretty indeed. We have had a lot of rain the last few days and it has beem cold but it didn't ruin it.
Tomorrow we head to Salt Lake City on our way to Bryce NP!!
