San Francisco Day 5

San Fransisco, best known for the Golden Gate Bridge, hilly streets and cable cars. We started by heading to Union square to browse a few shops. In the Apple store, I was greeted by 13 different members of staff as we walked around "Hey there! How are you doin'?", talk about over-friendliness.  I got myself a new pair of American Sketchers for my Birthday present.

Next we caught a cable car to the top of Fisherman's Wharf. Luke loved it and threw a paddy when we had to get off. He quickly fell asleep in the buggy though so John and I took the opportunity to "do lunch" in peace at the Fransiscan Crab; a really classy seafood restaurant overlooking the bay serving the famous Dungeness crab. John made a right mess trying to crack into his crab. When luke woke up we got him a Macdonalds!

Now for our boat ride which took us under the golden gate bridge and around Alcatraz island. We couldn't get a tour of the prison as tickets sold out months in advance. But it looked cool from the outside!

We bought some salt water taffy at Fisherman's wharf then sat on a little beach and ate it as luke ran into the sea and got all of his clothes wet. He giggled himself silly chasing the waves.

Our day concluded by hopping onto another tram to the AT&T baseball stadium, home of the San Francisco Giants. What an experience! Luke didn't have a clue what was going on but when the crowd cheered he joined in screaming "yaaaaaaay!" for no particular reason. I think he was inspired, he said, "I can play baseball, when I'm a big boy!". They gave him a certificate as it was his first game and we got him a cap supporting the home team. There was a massive choice of food, with vendors walking up and down the rows "get your peanuts!".

Luke fell asleep at 10pm so we left a little early. We couldn't find any public transport so walked. Night time revealed that our hotel was not in the nicest area. We were walking very quickly,  dodging drugged up weirdos and jumping over hobos who lined the streets. Oh well, we made it! What a busy day.

We now have 2 days of relaxed driving along the west coast, stopping at beaches along the way.
